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The Career Butterfly

Dec 21, 2020

Radha never intended to take a career pause, but when her dad became ill the same year she had her second child, she knew she needed to focus on her family. She stepped away knowing it was the right choice, but with a strong warning from her colleagues that she would never be able to return. 

Of course, Radha now knows...

Dec 14, 2020

With 7 cross-country moves under her belt, Rachel Chittick is an expert at managing change. But her last move came with a new wrinkle. While she'd successfully managed all of the family transitions through the past several moves, this time she was also looking for a new job. 

Her kids were either in college or on their...

Dec 7, 2020

Despite an educational background in Chemistry and a professional background in journalism, Swati Padmaraj's true passion has always been with the world of fashion. When she had the opportunity to reinvent herself in her second career once her kids were older, she decided to merge her education, experience, and passion...