Apr 29, 2019
Donna Mezey built her career at a small stock photo agency that grew up to eventually become Getty Images. After a successful 10 years career, she left her executive role for the startup world. After a journey through a few different companies, she concluded that the startup work style wasn’t compatible with her...
Apr 22, 2019
I had a Magic 8 Ball when I was a kid. Over and over, I'd ask it questions only to get answers like, "Reply Hazy. Try Again Later." I often wonder what life would be like if we each got our own Magic 8 Ball - and the answers were real. As it turns out, that "Reply Hazy" answer may have been accurate.
I shared some of...
Apr 17, 2019
Erin Keam, wardrobe consultant and founder of The Happy Wardrobe, works with women in transition and helps their wardrobes reflect their personal style. She also encourages women to dress not only for the woman they are today, but also the woman they are becoming.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
Apr 15, 2019
Today, Anne Pillsbury works as a coach helping women in transition, but she too is a career pauser. She was a mom of 4 kids with a 16 year gap on her resume when her family needed her to return to work. It took a lot of effort, but she landed at a tech startup that she loved in a reasonably short time. How did she...
Apr 1, 2019
Caitlein Ryan has one of the best educational backgrounds possible to be a mother of four kids. She has a PhD in Theater with an emphasis on Education and Social Justice - and isn't drama, education, and fairness basically a summary of parenting??
Through some intentional choices, Caitlein was able to pursue...