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The Career Butterfly

Jan 27, 2020

I've learned in doing this podcast that everyone's career pause is unique. They vary in length, reason, and many of other ways. 

Today's guest, Sally Gasper, is unique because her pause came right at the beginning. She had always planned to be a teacher, but she married young and had five children in quick succession....

Jan 20, 2020

If you're looking for a job - or thinking about it - you don't want to miss this week's episode

Lynn Juve is a job search strategist. She's the first person I've ever met with that title, but you can think of her as a career coach with the very solid focus on landing you a job. 

You'll want to tune in to hear:

  • Why...

Jan 13, 2020

Dahianna is one hard-working mama. With 3 young kids and a three-year career pause, she returned to work as a legal secretary making as much money as she had in her previous career as a paralegal. But that isn't the end of the story. She's happy with her career, but she also wants to be there for her family so she's a...

Jan 6, 2020

Liesl left her career in wireless telecom to stay home with her first child, but it wasn't long before she realized she needed more adult interaction. The choice she made ended up having a huge impact on the rest of her career choices. 

She decided to return to school and found the fulfillment she was looking for in...